amateur category

Snow Storm and the Flat Iron Building in NYC (Single)
While walking through the Jonas Winter Storm that swept across the East Coast last week, I captured this shot of the Flatiron Building against a backdrop of swirling snow. With the exception of a few minor details like logos and a food cart, the image looks like an impressionist right out of another another century. The cloudy atmosphere and gusty winds creates patterns that appear uncannily like brush strokes.
I started taking pictures when I was in high school, many years ago in Italy. My first camera was a Nikon FM that I borrowed from my father. Back in the days I used to develop and print photos at home in my improvised dark room, and I can still recall that feeling of anticipation from every image I was about to develop. Ever since then photography became an inseparable part of my life, and along the way my focus and style have also changed and evolved. At the beginning my main interest was about travel, geometry and some portraits. During my years at University of Architecture in Venice, Italy, my main focus naturally shifted to architecture and buildings. After graduation, I started my own web agency in Bologna and I began to specialize in User Interface and User Experience Design. As a result, the switch to digital photography was an easy step and with that I started explore the editing process of digital photography.
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