The shot aims to represent a surreal atmosphere given the weather conditions and the color of the sky at that time.
I tried as much as possible the simplicity and the cleaning of the shot, the umbrella is the natural focal point of the scene,
even if small has strength and weight thanks to the color.
In the cold and blue palette, the double red spot of the umbrella and its reflection immediately catch the eye.
The man who walks, becomes the protagonist and the fact that he is about to leave the scene acquires much more meaning.
The figure that moves appears suspended between sky and clouds, with a surreal and poetic impact, and leaves us free to
fill it with meanings
amateur category

Umbrella (Single)
I have always photographed for personal pleasure, to document, and remember the past, then with time the passion grew more and more, involving me emotionally. I always look for new experiences, places, situations, and projects to tell what surrounds us Photography makes me free, to express my feelings, in a situation of apparent calm and peace where my being and the way of seeing reality.
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