professional category

Autoscopy (Single)
"Autoscopy means seeing own self, derived from the Greek words “autos” (self) and “skopeo” (looking at) [1]. Autoscopy is defined as a visual experience where the subject sees an image of him/herself in external space, viewed from within his/her own physical body [2]."
IPA 2020 Awarded, exhibited and published fine art street photographer from Finland. Holding a Master of Arts Degree in Film Directing (BFM, TLU 2015). Freelance photographer by occupation.
International Photography Awards 2020 - Honorable Mention in Street Photography
- Honorable Mention in Fine Art/Minimal
Siena Awards 2020 - Shortlisted
"Touching the Sky" 14.11. - 03.12.2020 at Galleria Fogga, Helsinki - Funded by Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE)
Satori (Latvia), Eye Photo Magazine, Feroce UK
Signed a contract for an extensive photo project in the field of street photography with the City of Helsinki - Shooting period February - August 2021.
International Photography Awards 2020 - Honorable Mention in Street Photography
- Honorable Mention in Fine Art/Minimal
Siena Awards 2020 - Shortlisted
"Touching the Sky" 14.11. - 03.12.2020 at Galleria Fogga, Helsinki - Funded by Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE)
Satori (Latvia), Eye Photo Magazine, Feroce UK
Signed a contract for an extensive photo project in the field of street photography with the City of Helsinki - Shooting period February - August 2021.
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