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Abandoned Brickworks (Series)
Lessons with Reinhold Haas (OSR) in art history, image analysis and painting, Torsten Andreas Hoffmann (DGPh) in composition and Rolf Walther (DGPh) in printing techniques. Publications in different blogs and magazines, author of "Architektur in Schwarzweiß - Industrieruinen, Sakralbauten und Stadtlandschaften fotografieren" (dpunkt.verlag Heidelberg) 2016, teaching and international exhibitions. Awards and prizes in "AWO photo competition" 2010, "10. Ortszeit" 2011, "Kunst auf Abwegen" 2011 and 2013, "Arm Mut Zeigen" 2012, "Black & White Spider Awards” 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, "Monochrom Awards" 2016 and some more ...
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