The series describes a journey. A girl is falling asleep. She wanders though hallways and endlessly repeating landscapes. Surreal changes all around her. Until, in the end, she finds herself in the same room as befor, not yet completely awake.
surrelal staged photography; capturing the moment between awake and sleep. The imgages are walking you through the landscape of a dream.
there exists a sound/audio stallation with it. an espacially composed 16min peace for the dream and 'surrounding sound installation' for the beinning and the end.
professional category
Amara (Series)
Based in Berin, Germany and Barcelona, Spain at the moment. Graduated last year from Fine Art Studies at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, in the department of stage and costume design. Realized photography works in Tel Aviv, Montreal and Berlin in the past years. Working with staged photography since 2013. First bigger body of work in this field was finished in 2014. Upcomig conceptual work, realised in Israel and Spain, in progress.
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