professional category
Wave Pacific (Series)
“Wave Pacific” captures the chaotic and sublime moment when two opposing forces simultaneously collide together in a burst of emotion. The strong black background contrasting the creamy white foam, makes each wave a unique reflection of subtlety, appearing to be captured in a vacuum, devoid of location and environmental reference. Be it a violent burst of its head exploding or the gentle lapping and folding of the calm tidal repetition, the struggle of life is evident in the movement from both sides of the lens, culminating in the crash and spray of the individual wave. Being able to capture the force behind the creation of the waves, reflects the incomprehensible power that fuels our own emotional tides. Instead of being overwhelmed by the uncontrollable power, one feels admiration and respect for that which is greater than, but within all of us.
Scott Hoyle is a graduate of Kendall College of Art & Design. After a thirty five year career as an Illustrator/Graphic Designer, he is focusing his creativity on fine art photography.
In the last few years, Scott has received recognition and awards including The Fence, PDN Magazine, San Francisco International Photography Exhibition, International Conservation Photography Award ( ICP), Critical Mass Finalist, Communication Arts Photography Awards, The Drawers at Blue Sky Gallery, The Center for Fine Art Photography, front covers of B&W Magazine 2014 Single Image and 2015 Contest Winners’ issues, First Place in both “Abstract & Silhouette” 2015 La Grande International Photography Awards and First Place “Still Life” 2016 B&W Spider Awards.
In the last few years, Scott has received recognition and awards including The Fence, PDN Magazine, San Francisco International Photography Exhibition, International Conservation Photography Award ( ICP), Critical Mass Finalist, Communication Arts Photography Awards, The Drawers at Blue Sky Gallery, The Center for Fine Art Photography, front covers of B&W Magazine 2014 Single Image and 2015 Contest Winners’ issues, First Place in both “Abstract & Silhouette” 2015 La Grande International Photography Awards and First Place “Still Life” 2016 B&W Spider Awards.
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