The Olympic velodrome in Athens designed by Santiago Calatrava
It seems to me so alive that I wanted to capture this with my camera
amateur category

Olympic Velodrome (Single)
Photographer of the Year (Architecture Category) - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
Nominee for the ‘Discovery of Year’ Award – Lucie Awards 2015
1st Place Architecture - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
1st Place Architecture/Buildings - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
2nd Place Fashion/Beauty in Monochrome Photography Awards 2015
3nd Place Fashion/Beauty in Monochrome Photography Awards 2015
3d Place Nature/Landscape - Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3)
2 Honorable mentions in Fine Art- International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
2 Honorable mentions in Architecture - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
1 Honorable mention in Night Photography - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
1 Honorable mention in People - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
2 Honorable mentions in Nature/Landscape- Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3)
1 Honorable mention in Fashion / Beauty - ND Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in Architecture - ND Awards 2015
2 Honorable mention in Fine Art - ND Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in People /Portrait - ND Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in Special - Open Theme - ND Awards 2015
4 Honorable mentions in Architecture - Monochrome Photography Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in Landscape - Monochrome Photography
Nominee for the ‘Discovery of Year’ Award – Lucie Awards 2015
1st Place Architecture - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
1st Place Architecture/Buildings - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
2nd Place Fashion/Beauty in Monochrome Photography Awards 2015
3nd Place Fashion/Beauty in Monochrome Photography Awards 2015
3d Place Nature/Landscape - Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3)
2 Honorable mentions in Fine Art- International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
2 Honorable mentions in Architecture - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
1 Honorable mention in Night Photography - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
1 Honorable mention in People - International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA 2015)
2 Honorable mentions in Nature/Landscape- Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3)
1 Honorable mention in Fashion / Beauty - ND Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in Architecture - ND Awards 2015
2 Honorable mention in Fine Art - ND Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in People /Portrait - ND Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in Special - Open Theme - ND Awards 2015
4 Honorable mentions in Architecture - Monochrome Photography Awards 2015
1 Honorable mention in Landscape - Monochrome Photography
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