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The Holy Mount of Grabarka has been a center for pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians from Poland and other countries since the 18th century. Most important holiday of the Transfiguration of Christ take place in August, which draws ca. 100,000 pilgrims from all over Europe. Traditionaly they arrive at Grabarka by foot, as pilgims and some of them bearing the wooden crosses that stay at Grabarka mount. Pilgrims traditionaly walk 3 times on their knees around located in the center of mount small wooden church.
Photographer, enthusiast, by education - ingenieur, by profesion - business consultant and busines trainer. I have been taking photos since my early childhood; am mainly interested in people and their emotions; want to document life in an inconspicuous way; try to learn from those whom I consider as the best (workshops with Maciek Nabrdalik, Antonin Kratochvil, Christopher Morris - from VII Agency).
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