Princeton University; University of Texas School of Law; Southwest School of Art; International Center for Photograph
Awards and Publications:
2016, Black & White Magazine
2015, Neutral Density Awards
2015, NVAL International Photography Show, Juror: Thom Sempere, Executive Director, PhotoAlliance-San Francisco
2015, Black & White Magazine
2014, Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery—“Portraiture: Expression & Gesture”
2014, Black & White Magazine
2013, Black & White Magazine
2013, Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery—“Car Culture”
2011, Best of Photography--Southwest School of Art
2015, Southwest School of Art, juried exhibition
2015, NVAL International Photography Show, Juror: Thom Sempere, Executive Director, PhotoAlliance-San Francisco—Second Place
2014, Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery—“Portraiture: Expression & Gesture”
2014, Houston Center for Photography, Juror: Malcolm Daniel, Curator in Charge of the Department of Photography at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
2014, Southwest School of Art, juried exhibition
2014, NVAL International Photography Show, Juror: Crista Dix, wall space Gallery, Santa Barbara
2013, Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery—“Car Culture”
2013, Southwest School of Art, juried exhibition
2012, Mary Jo Adams and Bruce Barshop, “San Antonio Snapshots”
2012, Southwest School of Art, juried exhibition
2012, Art League of San Antonio, juried exhibition
2011, Southwest School of Art, juried exhibition—Winner, Best of Photography
amateur category

Father and Son at Open Carry Rally-Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX, 2014 (Single)
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