amateur category

Nurturing (Single)
This is one of my favourite shots from our recent trip to Tonga, I remember taking this shot as drifted across the front of the mum and calf and being in absolute awe of their beauty. Humpbacks are true gentle and majestic giants, swimming in such close proximity to such large animals and to be accepted into their environment was absolutely one of the most overwhelming feelings I have ever experienced
Ocean and Marine life photographer.
My drive for photography is bringing the moments that not everyone has the privilege to enjoy on this beautiful planet of ours and being able to share them, even if somebody gets the slightest bit of joy out of one of my photographs then I'm a happy man.
My drive for photography is bringing the moments that not everyone has the privilege to enjoy on this beautiful planet of ours and being able to share them, even if somebody gets the slightest bit of joy out of one of my photographs then I'm a happy man.
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