amateur category

Power of loud (Single)
I took this single shot about a young lioness which is roared. If you know lions and you spent time with them you have to know their voice has that much power you feel the earth move under your feet. I got know lions closer when I made charity work for a Zoo in Hungary. I was lucky to raise three little lion cubs. Not just lions, but all the other animals I met there could know them better. I started to learning ethology in order to understand more their language, behaviour and reactions, and I realized anything I will do in my life, become a photographer or a manager It would be something to do with animals and nature. I honestly think as you handle animals and your environment shows what kind of person you are. With this picture I wanted to express how much this animal powerful it was just a lucky moment when I took the shot however I always wanted something like this before from a creative angle. This picture existed in my head first and after I could take a shot which is more or less similar to it.
Since the early days, photo enthusiast Adrienn Vincze was fascinated with numerous various details of nature and wildlife. She finds major inspiration in the world that surrounds us with rich details of flora and fauna, colors , those miracles of life often invisible to many people. Graduated from Corvinus University of Budapest as an Economist, besides she learns ethology from books. Not only in photography but as an animal ambassador also in the protection of animals actively engaged.
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