Lioness - 30 Apr 2015 - Masai Mara National Reserve - Sony ILCA-77M2 - ISO 50 - 200mm - f/5.6 - 1/500
This is the most remarkable sighting till date. My guide spotted this from more than a Kilometre away. I was truly shocked and amazed at this sighting by the uniqueness and also just by the fact from the distance my guide saw it. He said he saw something climb a tree and that it was 90% not a leopard. We approached the tree and took about 15 minutes to get there. When we got there we in fact found the lioness lying on the tree. We photographed the lioness for about 20 minutes and left. We moved not too far and not out of sight and started having lunch. As we finished lunch and started packing up we saw the lioness get up. I told the guide lets go and we arrived close to the tree and positioned ourselves luckily well enough to get this shot. She stood there for a few minutes and then went down and walked off.
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Lion On The Lookout (Single)
Businessman and a passionate wildlife photographer.
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