Taking flight in young volcano's.
Gripping to the notion of knowledge,
lifted by its content
but could there be more power still,
in what we do not know?
A passion project working with two dancer's to use a surrealist approach to photographic imagery and explore the human race's ever present hunger for knowledge and value placed upon what you (think you) know. How does knowledge bring us closer and how might it come between us. The quest to know it all, in contrast to the state of wonderment we reach into surrendering to the infinite unknown.
I wanted to do all elements of the image in real life (no photoshop ect.) to really create something truly authentic, unique and, perhaps miraculous enough to make you question what you think you know.
professional category

Taking flight in Young volcano's (Single)
Infused by travels to various eastern cultures from a young age, Pippa has continued to be an explorer of life on a global scale. A strong believer in learning through experience, she continually seeks to expand her heart, mind, spirit and craft. Open to all that arises, Pippa seeks for the quiet details that sew together the colourful variations of this world’s flavours to find the spirit, which connects us all. With an insatiable curiosity in the human condition, Pippa’s professional path has led her into the world of portraiture, international documentary and a specialisation in dance photography. After discovering dance (and dancers) as a physical vessel which enabled her to communicate through external imagery the internal world of the human condition, Pippa has begun on an international project exploring dance across cultures. This move, in turn leads her into the world of moving imagery and so she continues to expand her craft into film. Based now in Melbourne, Australia, after completing a degree in commercial photography at RMIT, Pippa continues to travel interstate and overseas for work and growth alike: always hungry to expand her world and profession.
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