professional category

Baby Baker (Single)
Who wouldn't like their children to follow in their footsteps? This little baker's Mommy is a professional baker. I was thrilled to be a part of creating this scene, and as you can see, so was baby!
I'm a wife and mother of 4 girls. I work in the pediatric department at a hospital and have been an RN for 13 years. On the side, I dabble in professional photography and started my own business (Itsy Photography) about 5 years ago after my 3rd baby was born. The most important factors to photographing people for me consist of 2 things: Lighting, and expression. If those things aren't present and real, and don't make me FEEL something, then I don't shoot it. As all photographers do, I love telling a story with an image. That is my goal in photography, because in the end, the story is what makes the piece come to life and have depth. I'm a self taught gal, and believe that anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it and aren't afraid to fail trying.
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