professional category

dreaming matera (Single)
double exposition
Photographing to collect the essence of people and things that I meet, alive and save in a click, briciole.In a world that does not recognize where everything is trampled, abandoned. Remember. Hope in the light that increasingly is hiding in the wounds of pain, seek the beautiful, preserve and protect it in a frame, as in life. The release of unnecessary things, go down into the hole, collect the juice ....... Soul.
Awards Mezione of honor to the FAPA Awards 2014 Photography Posted on urban street Catalogue 2015 2 Honorable Mentions to FAPA Awards 2015 2 Honorable Mentions At Internation Photography Awards 2015 Honorable mention AI monochrome photgraphy Awards 2015 Honorable Mention At Ipoty Awards 2015 Finalist in the competition closed diaphragms 2015 Honorable Mention At the IPA Awards 2016
Awards Mezione of honor to the FAPA Awards 2014 Photography Posted on urban street Catalogue 2015 2 Honorable Mentions to FAPA Awards 2015 2 Honorable Mentions At Internation Photography Awards 2015 Honorable mention AI monochrome photgraphy Awards 2015 Honorable Mention At Ipoty Awards 2015 Finalist in the competition closed diaphragms 2015 Honorable Mention At the IPA Awards 2016
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