Margo Kessler Cook
Amateur Fine Art Photographer based in Florida, USA specializing in black and white architecture and abstract images.
Published -
National Geography 2014
Best of Photography 2015, Photographer's Forum
Best of Photography 2016, Photographer's Forum
Awards -
International Photography Awards 2016 - Two Honorable Mentions
Camera USA 2015 National Photography Exhibition & Award
Camera USA 2016 National Photography Exhibition & Award
South Florida Museum Photographic Exhibition/ LWRDPC 2015 First Place Award
Flowers of Spring International Juried Exhibition - Honorable Mention
Naples Art Association - Best of Show
Naples Art Association - Award of Merit
Art Center Sarasota - Best of Show, First Place
Art Center Sarasota - Special Recognition Award
Exhibitions -
Art Center Sarasota
Selby Gardens Photographic 33rd Annual Exhibition, Selby Gardens Photographic 35th Annual Exhibition
Naples Art Association
Los Angeles Center for Digital Photography
A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas
South Florida Museum
Visual Art Center Charlotte County Art Guild
amateur category

Let There Be Light (Single)
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