amateur category

Alice (Single)
This incredible stairway was hidden in a very modest castle in Poland where it was the only gem remaining... The stairs are not impressive at first but when you go under, you discover this unreal view.Personally, it reminds me very much "Alice in wonderland" and her journey in her imaginary world. It is like an odd door to a parralel universe. And what is great to me, it's that it makes you travel and create a point of view that will be different for every person.
Passionate forever by travels and photography, Romain Veillon is specialized in the urban exploration of our abandon heritage across the world; whether it is old castles, factories, hospitals or even churches. He immortalizes these places where time seems to be frozen and share with us the discovery of these incredible locations that the world have forgotten. Each photography owns its proper history and invite us to dive with him looking for these ghosts of the past. His work questions us on the connections between Man and his environment in a society where recent changes push us to interrogate about our former actions and their consequences today.
"L'ivress", Paris 2013
"Brody's studios", Budapest 2014
« Galerie Brumaire », Paris 2014
« JBF art gallery », Paris 2014
« RDVI Rendez-vous image», Strasbourg, 2015
« Temps suspendu », Musée de la poste, Paris, 2016
« Vues libres à Pontaniou », Brest, 2016
"L'ivress", Paris 2013
"Brody's studios", Budapest 2014
« Galerie Brumaire », Paris 2014
« JBF art gallery », Paris 2014
« RDVI Rendez-vous image», Strasbourg, 2015
« Temps suspendu », Musée de la poste, Paris, 2016
« Vues libres à Pontaniou », Brest, 2016
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