amateur category

SMOKING is a serious concern in today's world. Disadvantages of smoking are many but those of quitting it are none. Advantages of smoking are none but those of quitting it are many. So here I have tried a conceptual way to make awareness among smokers about the consequences of this bad habit. The matchsticks here represent the life cycle of a smoker. Gradually when he becomes addicted to it his health condition deteriorates (just like a burning matchstick). Finally when he becomes a chain smoker and gets the Cancer, his life is comparable with a burnt and shattered matchstick which has no value! But as one smokes on his own wit, at the end he damages his own life just like he kneads with his feet the last part of every burnt cigarette he smoked! A smoker should know that life’s vibrant hues are way too beautiful and precious to be distorted by the smoke of cigarettes. So quit smoking, start living!
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