All shots were made early in the morning ,when insects are not active yet....for all, natural light without using a flash. Were all taken in summer and spring. With the use of plamp i chose the roosts that i liked and backgrounds that have most attracted me.
The subjects are: a couple of Orthetrum cancellatum, a Parnassius apollo, a Empusa pennata nymph, a couple of Libelloides coccajus, a papilio machaon.
amateur category
My micro nature.... (Series)
My name is Simone Spera. I am 40 years old and live in Rome in Italy.
My great passion is macro photography of insects and often wake up early in the morning to go to look for them.
As an amateur, I had small online satisfaction and won two minor contests.
My great passion is macro photography of insects and often wake up early in the morning to go to look for them.
As an amateur, I had small online satisfaction and won two minor contests.
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