amateur category

Superego (Single)
Here we are, in front of a self-portrait which, quite literally, appears to the nth power, and in which the artist’s image is reproduced over 300 times. Each time different, yet the same, placed, not by chance, in a space providing its mise-en scène: a theatre – a theatre of the Ego, then – apparently celebrating the triumph of the most uninhibited narcissism.
Marco Circhirillo was born in 1980 in Parma, where he lives and works. He obtained bachelor’s degree in Art, Theatre and Multimedia at Literature and Philosophy Faculty of University of Parma and master degree in Contemporary Art History, both with full marks.
His expressive research especially regards photography, where his passion for Art History leads him to dialogue with the greatest masters, ranging over various techniques: from analogue to digital, but also to graphics and to installation art. Thus various series are engendered, each of them characterized by formal and expressive peculiarities of its own; often, though, the trait d’union is the inquiry into the theme of the alchemical double.
2014 Limen Arte, Vibo Valentia: 1° classificato – Sezione Autoscatto.
2014 Premio Ritratto di famiglia, Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia: 1° classificato.
2013 Premio Nocivelli, Verolanuova (BS): 3° classificato.
2007 Premio Musae, Catania: Menzione Speciale – Circuito Sicilia.
2014 Ritratti d’Autore, Associazione Remo Gaibazzi, Parma, a cura di P. Barbaro.
2014 Più che ‘l dolor poté ‘l digiuno, Galleria Il Sipario, Parma, a cura di M. Mirabile.
2014 Presentazione monografia Marco Circhirillo. Doppelgänger, a cura di G. Bonomi,Photissima Art Fair, Torino & Feltrinelli, Parma.
His expressive research especially regards photography, where his passion for Art History leads him to dialogue with the greatest masters, ranging over various techniques: from analogue to digital, but also to graphics and to installation art. Thus various series are engendered, each of them characterized by formal and expressive peculiarities of its own; often, though, the trait d’union is the inquiry into the theme of the alchemical double.
2014 Limen Arte, Vibo Valentia: 1° classificato – Sezione Autoscatto.
2014 Premio Ritratto di famiglia, Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia: 1° classificato.
2013 Premio Nocivelli, Verolanuova (BS): 3° classificato.
2007 Premio Musae, Catania: Menzione Speciale – Circuito Sicilia.
2014 Ritratti d’Autore, Associazione Remo Gaibazzi, Parma, a cura di P. Barbaro.
2014 Più che ‘l dolor poté ‘l digiuno, Galleria Il Sipario, Parma, a cura di M. Mirabile.
2014 Presentazione monografia Marco Circhirillo. Doppelgänger, a cura di G. Bonomi,Photissima Art Fair, Torino & Feltrinelli, Parma.
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