amateur category

Standoff (Single)
This was a self assigment in which I wanted to portait a stand-off in a graveyard. I asked the talent to take on several positions with my camera being fixed on a tripod all this time. In post I then stitched the images together.
Photography is my passion. I’m fascinated by the ability to capture a moment in time. A moment when the complexity of an emotion can be frozen within a frame. That instance when a split second in time forms a single image. The rare moment when the sun shining on the across a majestic landscape highlights the true beauty of nature.
EN: Born 24.10.1969 in Melbourne, Australia. In 1992 I was in London and the city amazed me with a spectacular flood of visual images. It was then that I decided to by a camera in order for me to be able to share these fleeting moments and visual images, showing the emotion strength of the things that I saw. It is a passion which I carry in me until this day. It is not only the moment that I wish to capture but also the fasination!
DE: Geb. 24.10.1969 in Melbourne, Australien. Als ich 1992 in London war, berwältigte mich die Stadt mit einer Flut spektakulärer Bilder. Ich wollte das Gesehene mit Freunden teilen, doch Worte erschienen mir zu drüftig, um die emotionale Kraft der vor meinem geistigen Auge entstandenen Aufnahmen wiederzugeben. So kaufte ich meine erste Profikamera. Der Anfang
EN: Born 24.10.1969 in Melbourne, Australia. In 1992 I was in London and the city amazed me with a spectacular flood of visual images. It was then that I decided to by a camera in order for me to be able to share these fleeting moments and visual images, showing the emotion strength of the things that I saw. It is a passion which I carry in me until this day. It is not only the moment that I wish to capture but also the fasination!
DE: Geb. 24.10.1969 in Melbourne, Australien. Als ich 1992 in London war, berwältigte mich die Stadt mit einer Flut spektakulärer Bilder. Ich wollte das Gesehene mit Freunden teilen, doch Worte erschienen mir zu drüftig, um die emotionale Kraft der vor meinem geistigen Auge entstandenen Aufnahmen wiederzugeben. So kaufte ich meine erste Profikamera. Der Anfang
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