amateur category
Last Frontier (Single)
By burning the edges of this image of dried brush and rock it produced a prism like effect.
My interest in photography began in 1970 after reading Carl Jung's "Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious. Jung's belief that primitive objects and figures are imprinted in our psyche has inspired me to capture what I call 'Archaic Memoirs'; dark indistinct patterns of shadow and scattered light; forming segmented impression that with further observation become pronounced discernible shapes and figures; aimed at altering perception and interpretation. I prefer photographing fragmented sections of landscape; capturing impressions that emphasize the surreal.
My work has appeared in the International Library of Photograph, Photographers Forum Magazine, Saddleback Valley News and at OCC Annual Photography Exhibit.
My work has appeared in the International Library of Photograph, Photographers Forum Magazine, Saddleback Valley News and at OCC Annual Photography Exhibit.
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