amateur category

Alteration of a dilated cross-sectional parameter (Single)
I serve the body-image-matter, not to show anatomical vision or even figurative motif, idolatry of the body, but in such a way that its components lead the body to come out of itself, to be without limitations element of the space beyond of every point of view. This becomes the means to create a space in constant restructuring, where at a given displacement x corresponds to y, the laws of physics are canceled, and the same numbers become close to odd ones, regulated by an interchangeable logic. This corresponds to an accurate analytical vision that involves the use of a multi-stage articulated methodology. In a first step it is destructing the primitive image in its isometric components, using a unit of measurement that marks an apparently constant visual rhythm. Then applying an algorithmic logic obtained from various numerical combinations and mathematical operations, the isometric components resulting from a first phase of work, become movable and interchangeable between them. This process allows me to free the expressive potential of the image in terms of re-formulation and rebirth, that is, to show that the image is not the concrete answer to a question, on the contrary it corresponds to the generating element of all possible answers to that question. The same image if subjected several times to the process, changing the mathematical logic and keeping it in the same direction or otherwise applying the same logic but in different directions, does not correspond to a result but to a change in the previous image. So that the image becomes a fragment that does not identify the end of a process, but the constant beginning of its rebirth. It is his openness to me, and the possibilities of combination and manipulation that lie in it, so that the observer is constantly asked to read the key, because he is keeping the information in the image alive, and I can keep its waiting threshold constant and therefore its consciousness in place. Thus the image becomes something open, which finds its extension in the spectator's consciousness, also body and space.
Gennifer Deri, 1991, lives and works in province of Lucca. She graduated in painting at the chair of Giovanni Dessì, at the Academy of fine Carrara arts, presenting a theoretical thesis on the artist of the Group T, whit the art historian Lucilla Meloni and an artistic project curated by the photographer Marco Signorini. Her works have been exhibited in various collective exhibitions, including: Fine Arts in Prosecution, Massa, 2016 ( Catalog); and White Wave, Ground Floor, Massa 2017; at the Teché Gallery in Carrara. In 2017 she was the winner of the Carrara rotary Club Prize. Currrently she studying at the Academy of fine arts in Carrara.
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