amateur category

The world's end. (Single)
I've always been a huge fan of Richard Kellys Donnie Darko. The idea of someone seeing the future and being able to change it has always been a huge inspiration for my work. Time is a consistent part of all my photographs and hence it is also in Donnie Darko I wanted it to be a part of my work. The fog in The world's end symbolises the impenetrability and changelessness of time. Because someone can't change time itself, someone only can fill time with different emotions or doings, but time will always stay the same, only the feeling of speed of time lapsing away will change.
Carina Gall was born in 1993 in Bayreuth, Bavaria. She moved to Berlin ten years ago, where she studied photography. She ended her studies in September this year with the Bachelor of Arts.
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