The picture outlines the deep and intimate link between the Nature and the Artist.
The picture is a metaphor of the present society that deprives people of the real values and bring them away from the most noble feelings, squeezing them into the false, sneaky, reality of irrepressible wishes for material possessions, no matters what. The Knight fights against the duplicity, the corruption, well aware that he will never win them all, and proud even to die, but honest, noble and free as an ancient hero.
The Nature, enveloping the dead body with a soft cloud of fog representing the souls of ancient heroes who want to protect the modern human being who strongly raises up against unfair impositions and defends the true values to death. As such, brave is the death of an hero who, passing away, reaches the target of his own life: virtus.Hope, anyway, is not denied to survivors, this is the meaning of the Knight in fetal position: even if finally only death freed up his soul, his fight was a comprehensive tribute to life. He fight to protect the true and noble values of life which, if they are missing, is a nonsense to live.
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The Knight (Single)
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