amateur category

I Stand In Awe (Single)
The Teton mountains received some early snow and I wanted to photograph them with some fall color with snow capped mountain peaks. Another storm blew in late in the morning after I arrived and proceeded to hide the mountains in a cloak of fog and pound the ground with heavy rain. I love photographing in inclement weather, but I needed something to photograph. I couldn't see any of the mountains because of the storm clouds. It wasn't until late evening that the storm began to release its grip on the Tetons and I became a witness to some amazing light as the evening sun lit up the clouds around the peaks. I was amazed and overwhelmed at the beauty before my eyes.
I am an amateur photographer who loves landscape photography. I dabbled with film photography for years and was reluctant to switch to the digital age. In 2012 I purchased a full-frame Canon pro-series camera with an assortment of professional grade lenses with the intent to focus my every waking breath on landscape photography. This I have done and my work has begun to show it. I have had work chosen through an on-line selection process to be shown in a gallery in Los Angeles and in Vermont. I have been asked to show in a gallery in Italy, too. My work has been presented in local area juried art shows where I have won many awards these past few years. The Color Awards, The Spider Awards and Black and White Magazine have also recognized my work. My passion is to create art that reflects the beauty of Nature and evokes an emotional reaction from all those who view it. I want others to know of the gifts of Nature that we have and that we are the caretakers of
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