amateur category

Reflections on the Rio Tinto (Single)
Rio Tinto, in the province of Huelva, Spain, has a high content of ferruginous salts and ferric sulphate which, together with the scarcity of oxygen, give a very acidic pH. Characteristic structures are present on the banks resulting from the cooling of slag and mining waste. Hence its incredible chromatic variety.
Hernan Bua is an Italo-Argentinian photographer, he was born in Buenos Aires in January 1972. Currently lives in Madrid, Spain. He likes the photography of a lifetime and is a professional photographer, belonged to the Photographers Association of Argentina Republic (AFPRA). He has attended several courses and seminars on social, commercial and documentary photography. Currently works as a freelance photographer of nature and travel.
He has won some prizes and has been a finalist in the following contests:
ORO Prize - Lux Awards 2017 - Landscape and nature
Honorable Mention - Montphoto 2017 - Art in nature
AIRE Special Prize - III Angel Negrón Photography Contest 2017- Friends of the Air Museum Association
1st Prize - Aeromexico Photography Contest - "Estrenada Alas LEMD AMX01 787-9 -Quetzalcóatl-" 2017
3rd Prize - II Angel Negrón Photography Contest 2016 - Friends of the Air Museum Association.
3rd Prize - Festivities of Móstoles 2015 - City of Mostoles
Finalist photography contest "Hispania Nostra 40 Aniversario" - Hispania Nostra
Finalist photography contest PIXALL SPOTTING 2015 - Pixall
He has won some prizes and has been a finalist in the following contests:
ORO Prize - Lux Awards 2017 - Landscape and nature
Honorable Mention - Montphoto 2017 - Art in nature
AIRE Special Prize - III Angel Negrón Photography Contest 2017- Friends of the Air Museum Association
1st Prize - Aeromexico Photography Contest - "Estrenada Alas LEMD AMX01 787-9 -Quetzalcóatl-" 2017
3rd Prize - II Angel Negrón Photography Contest 2016 - Friends of the Air Museum Association.
3rd Prize - Festivities of Móstoles 2015 - City of Mostoles
Finalist photography contest "Hispania Nostra 40 Aniversario" - Hispania Nostra
Finalist photography contest PIXALL SPOTTING 2015 - Pixall
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