amateur category

Nude model with stool (Single)
Working in a simplistic manner, I'm quite attracted to using minimal props to push my nude work. I enjoy having a glare from the model as she stares dead into the camera with such confidence. Stepping beyond the image what is shown is a woman with confidence displaying that the nude form can be seen as "Beautiful." Nude is one of the categories I feel that is being shamed by social media. In my personal work, I want to prove otherwise.
Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Cameron Adeyemi is currently residing in Toledo. Currently a student at the University of Toledo pursing a degree in Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts. With a late interest in photography after being undecided for a year in college, he gave in a decided to chase an art degree and hope for the best. As a child, he held a generic point and shoot camera photographing anything in his eyesight. Cameron never realized what he truly enjoyed was right in front of him years ago as a child. In 2013, Cameron acquired his own entry-level DSLR camera as an attempt to reconnect with himself to solve a part of him that was missing. With a focus on street photography and portrait later, Cameron is incessantly trying to embrace a style in which he feels comfortable with while pursuing personal projects.
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