Photograph made with Hasselbladt 500 C/M, Planar 80mm, Fujifilm ACROS, Rodinal.
Rediscovering the beauty of analog photography.
amateur category

Inflexion (Single)
Born in 30th of December 1978, registered on 1st of January 1979
Education: - University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa", Faculty of Dentistry 2003
- New York Institute of Photography 2013
- 1st Prize at Nikon Romania "Se cauta fotografia lunii" contest, September edition 2011
- 3rd Prize at Nikon Romania "Se cauta fotografia lunii" contest, The Grand Final, 2011
- 3rd Prize at VSLO Festival, "Nude" contest 2012
- electronic portofolio published by epublio Digital Publishing, availeble for download from Apple App Store, at VSLO 2012
- VOLTIN mention at Salonul International de Arta Fotografica "Best of CF", Ed.I, 2013, Braila
- Emerging Talent Jury Honor Award at Morpholio's EyeTime 2013
- three nominations at Spider Awards 2014, in Fashion and Fine Art categories
- Honorable Mention winner of PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris , "WHITE" competition
- Honorable Mention winner at Black&White Spider Awards 2015, Nude category
- Honorable Mention winner at ND Awards 2015, Fine Art Nude category
- Honorable Mention Award at Morpholio EyeTime 2015
- selected fot the 100 pictures exhibition celebrating the 5th Anniversary of FUJIFILM X World Photo Gallery, Tokyo
Born in 30th of December 1978, registered on 1st of January 1979
Education: - University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa", Faculty of Dentistry 2003
- New York Institute of Photography 2013
- 1st Prize at Nikon Romania "Se cauta fotografia lunii" contest, September edition 2011
- 3rd Prize at Nikon Romania "Se cauta fotografia lunii" contest, The Grand Final, 2011
- 3rd Prize at VSLO Festival, "Nude" contest 2012
- electronic portofolio published by epublio Digital Publishing, availeble for download from Apple App Store, at VSLO 2012
- VOLTIN mention at Salonul International de Arta Fotografica "Best of CF", Ed.I, 2013, Braila
- Emerging Talent Jury Honor Award at Morpholio's EyeTime 2013
- three nominations at Spider Awards 2014, in Fashion and Fine Art categories
- Honorable Mention winner of PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris , "WHITE" competition
- Honorable Mention winner at Black&White Spider Awards 2015, Nude category
- Honorable Mention winner at ND Awards 2015, Fine Art Nude category
- Honorable Mention Award at Morpholio EyeTime 2015
- selected fot the 100 pictures exhibition celebrating the 5th Anniversary of FUJIFILM X World Photo Gallery, Tokyo
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