amateur category

Window to a different world (Single)
Looking through the window of a street stand with a built in restraint displays the lesser known part of Bandung. The city of 2.5 million called Bandung is located on the largest island of Indonesia called Java. There is very little tourism here especially compared to the city of Yogyakarta and the island of Bali. When my wife and I were in Bandung this summer we marveled at how clean and nice the city was compared to our expectations. According to our local connections their new mayor is making a lot of changes for the better to clean up the city and create more public places of enjoyment such as parks. Despite these great efforts, slums are still a very big part of these cities across the world. This photo has a very simple yet powerful composition to draw you in to the world that is hidden behind the store fronts. This window that you are looking through could be anywhere. Imagine any place in the world and then look through this window. What you see is not only a problem in Bandung Indonesia, but everywhere in the world. That is the power and the story behind this window is
Self taught photographer of 3 years
Local Bank featured artist
Cover of a local magazine
Gallery feature in local magazine
Local Bank featured artist
Cover of a local magazine
Gallery feature in local magazine
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