The Cuban actress Orisel Gaspar performing for the my project "Mirrors and Windows". Orisel mimics the gesture of the photo that she gently suspends, which depicts herself during the representation of the play "Hijo del Alma" in 1993 in La Habana.
“Those white boxes that appear on the scene, the only scenographic element on a red carpet, were designed for the show of that shocking parade of coffins and ossuaries with the mortal remains of the Cubans who had fallen on internationalist missions in African countries, one day before my eyes, made to cry the streets of Santa Clara shaking us with pain. “Hijo del Alma”, borrowed its name from the homonym poem by José Martí … and this fragment of the poem, converted into a song, was part of the text: “Ellos tienen tu sombra;/¡Yo tengo tu alma!/Ésas son cosas nuevas,/Mías y extrañas. (They have your shadow/I have your soul!/Those are new things,/Mine and strange)”
The new gesture joined subtly through the distance and time to that original gesture which made cry to the mothers of the young soldiers of the history killed in Angola.
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Hijo del Alma (Single)
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