amateur category

The sea (Single)
I live in the South Peninsula, close to Cape Point in South Africa, surrounded by sea - it is always there, always a part of my view when at home. I particularly love this photo which captures the wind breezing over the surface, and the vast expanse that lies beyond the horizon...
I have always carried a small camera with me - on all travels, and now, it is always in my handbag. I've never had an agenda but rather take photos as a reminder of things, of progress, and how my environment changes over the years. For many years I've taken pics while driving - journeys along well known roads that are always changing. I prefer not to stop to capture the 'perfect' image, since that's not how I'm seeing it, so these images reflect the truth of that moment for me. In that moment, I compose the image in a graphic sense, using light and dark, since details are fleeting, and soon the scene is passed by. I think this is what I love most about photography - it's ability to capture a fleeting moment.
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