During a trip to India, I had a picture of a woman who met in a poor village.
While sitting on the ground she was breaking bamboo. There is shaded bamboo behind her, it was beautifully linked with her smile and directed a wonderful light. Therefore I pressed the camera shutter.
amateur category

A working women (Single)
Naoya Uekubo
Birth 1976.
2003 I was influenced by an acquaintance's uncle and started photographing, mainly taking a landscape.
2007 I sold landscape photographs taken in Japan on street while studying in China.
2008 After studying abroad in China I will continue taking pictures aiming at Europe at the landway but
all of my luggage was robbed by automatic rickshawman before entering Pakistan. After returning to
Japan, I bought a new camera and I traveled around Japan for about a year while taking pictures
with my bicycle and hitchhik.
2015 Attended the ICP Master Class sponsored by KYOTO GRAPHIE.
2015 Participate in IMA sponsored portfolio review "STEP OUT"
2016 Published in EINSTEIN STUDIO issued NEW JAPAN PHOTO
2016 Published in EINSTEIN STUDIO issued free magazine distributed at I Never Read
Art Book Fair Basel held in Switzerland.
2016 19th exhibition at Onaeba Kansai. I was nominated reviewer award by Digmeout (Mr. YoshihiroTaniguchi & Mr. TakaharuFurutani), and Mr. MeisaFujishiro.
Birth 1976.
2003 I was influenced by an acquaintance's uncle and started photographing, mainly taking a landscape.
2007 I sold landscape photographs taken in Japan on street while studying in China.
2008 After studying abroad in China I will continue taking pictures aiming at Europe at the landway but
all of my luggage was robbed by automatic rickshawman before entering Pakistan. After returning to
Japan, I bought a new camera and I traveled around Japan for about a year while taking pictures
with my bicycle and hitchhik.
2015 Attended the ICP Master Class sponsored by KYOTO GRAPHIE.
2015 Participate in IMA sponsored portfolio review "STEP OUT"
2016 Published in EINSTEIN STUDIO issued NEW JAPAN PHOTO
2016 Published in EINSTEIN STUDIO issued free magazine distributed at I Never Read
Art Book Fair Basel held in Switzerland.
2016 19th exhibition at Onaeba Kansai. I was nominated reviewer award by Digmeout (Mr. YoshihiroTaniguchi & Mr. TakaharuFurutani), and Mr. MeisaFujishiro.
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