amateur category

Watchful (Single)
I captured this image in a wildlife enclosure. It was in winter and bad weather so I was the only human being in the park. This mufflon was eyeballing me cautiously from a distance. As if his natural instincts began to recover after the onslaught of visitors during the summer months has ceased.
I am into photography for about 10 years now but only taking images very occasionally. Since about a year I am taking it more seriously.
I haven't participated in any major competition so far. May have to do with being a bit apprehensive. I have won one small competition in a german magazine called "Makrowelt" from Traumflieger though...
I haven't participated in any major competition so far. May have to do with being a bit apprehensive. I have won one small competition in a german magazine called "Makrowelt" from Traumflieger though...
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