professional category
Missing links (Series)
In my newest Serie „Missing Links“ I investigate the results of war, terror on the basis of vulnerability of the individual. orthosis and prosthesis replace "Missing Links". Starting with simple devices up to high tech products. Humans try to copy and replace natural body links and functions. Humans become "god similar" creators. Nevertheless we are frightened by handicaped people. I want to focus with a pure approach on the "objects" or "Missing Links" to avoid "compassion".
CV: 1963/ Vienna/ Austria/ Administration/ Project Management/ International Cooperation
Education: University of Vienna/ Mag. Dr. phil / History/ Politics/ Photography Open University UK
Photography: Minimal Art / Reduction
Member: Künstlerhaus Wien / Royal Photographic Society/ Artnetwork Lower Austria (Kunstvernetzung NÖ)
Exhibitions: MQ Vienna/ Palace of Hetzendorf/ Nitsch Museum/ Gallery Rothschild Palace / open Atelier Lower Austria/ Atelier Walk Q 202 Vienna/ Galerie of Modern Art Klosterneuburg/ Quo–Vadis, Vienna/ Foyer Le Pont, Paris/ Christuskirche Paris/ Brüssel/ Austrian Embassy, Washington D.C./ photo::vienna 2016/ Wir sind Wien. Festival 2017/ Vienna/ photo::vienna 2017 Museum of Applied Arts
Awards: Finalist of the ARTE Laguna Prize Venice 2018
My work is inspired by minimalism and reduction.
I am focussed on the investigation of the human, by exploring the social and religious effects and impacts on the society.
In my newest Serie „Missing Links“ I investigate the results of war on the basis of vulnerability of the individual. orthosis and prosthesis replace "Missing Links". Starting with simple devices up to high tech products. Humans try to copy and replace natural body links and functions. Humans become "god similar" creators. Nevertheless we are frightened by handicaped people. I want to focus with a pure approach on the
Education: University of Vienna/ Mag. Dr. phil / History/ Politics/ Photography Open University UK
Photography: Minimal Art / Reduction
Member: Künstlerhaus Wien / Royal Photographic Society/ Artnetwork Lower Austria (Kunstvernetzung NÖ)
Exhibitions: MQ Vienna/ Palace of Hetzendorf/ Nitsch Museum/ Gallery Rothschild Palace / open Atelier Lower Austria/ Atelier Walk Q 202 Vienna/ Galerie of Modern Art Klosterneuburg/ Quo–Vadis, Vienna/ Foyer Le Pont, Paris/ Christuskirche Paris/ Brüssel/ Austrian Embassy, Washington D.C./ photo::vienna 2016/ Wir sind Wien. Festival 2017/ Vienna/ photo::vienna 2017 Museum of Applied Arts
Awards: Finalist of the ARTE Laguna Prize Venice 2018
My work is inspired by minimalism and reduction.
I am focussed on the investigation of the human, by exploring the social and religious effects and impacts on the society.
In my newest Serie „Missing Links“ I investigate the results of war on the basis of vulnerability of the individual. orthosis and prosthesis replace "Missing Links". Starting with simple devices up to high tech products. Humans try to copy and replace natural body links and functions. Humans become "god similar" creators. Nevertheless we are frightened by handicaped people. I want to focus with a pure approach on the
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