Through the Mouse Hole is a fantasy story inspired by Tom & Jerry and The Borrowers. The narrative revolves around a young girl who finds herself in the home of a small mouse, living behind the skirting board in the family home.
The project is shot in the style of a vintage cartoon or Super8 projection, and uses hand built scenes and props combined with composite studio portraiture.
Exploring themes of friendship and loneliness through a character who finds safety and security in the world of her imagination; someone who struggles to find their place in the real world.
professional category
Through the Mouse Hole (Series)
Originally trained as a classical musician, I studied the tuba at London’s Guildhall School of Music. After discovering photography around 3 years ago, I currently work on a freelance basis whilst studying towards an HND in Professional Photography at Edinburgh College.
I was recently voted UK Photography Student of the Year 2017 by the British Institute of Professional Photography.
I was recently voted UK Photography Student of the Year 2017 by the British Institute of Professional Photography.
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