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Climate Change Threatens Endangered Species (Single)
A Key deer that died in the wake of Hurricane Irma in Big Pine, Florida, USA. The endangered Key deer, the smallest subspecies of the North American white-tailed deer, are only found in the Florida Keys - a coral cay archipelago located off the southern coast of Florida. By the 1950s, poaching and the loss of habitat had brought the Key deer to the brink of extinction with only a few dozen remaining. Since then, conservation efforts have helped their numbers grow to close to a thousand. But like all endangered species, Key deer remain vulnerable to climate change and the severe weather that it creates.
Over the last 20 years, Marko Kokic has devoted his photographic work to humanitarian organizations, covering war, natural disasters and poverty in 50 countries. He has worked for International Committee of the Red Cross as its staff photographer and commissioning photo editor. He has also worked for the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the American Red Cross and the Canadian Red Cross. He currently works as a freelance photographer and communications consultant. He lives in New York City with his spouse and toddler twins.
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