Face to face
This image is the story of a passionate love story, hurtful, impossible. Two like-minded people who look at each other, who are moving towards each other, not without tears, without really being able to reach each other. The shades of rose brings sweetness to this image. Japanese cherry texture symbolizes success. The void between the two fronts of the characters depict a royal specter symbolizing power and victory.
professional category

Face to face (Single)
Portrait photographer since April 2013.
Passionate about art in general , I always had this artistic temperament to want to create, recreate emotions. Throughout these years I have worked to create a style marked me , my style!
A carefully crafted photography , modern, which upsets and transmits a message. A photograph that joins my first passion : a picture whose result has paces tables.
Awards :
Double silver medalist in category Portrait and Open, 2013
Title Européan Photographer, 2014
Award money , portrait category , Summer of Portraits , 2014
Portraitist of France , 2015
5th finalist portrait category , World Cup of Photography (WPC )
Passionate about art in general , I always had this artistic temperament to want to create, recreate emotions. Throughout these years I have worked to create a style marked me , my style!
A carefully crafted photography , modern, which upsets and transmits a message. A photograph that joins my first passion : a picture whose result has paces tables.
Awards :
Double silver medalist in category Portrait and Open, 2013
Title Européan Photographer, 2014
Award money , portrait category , Summer of Portraits , 2014
Portraitist of France , 2015
5th finalist portrait category , World Cup of Photography (WPC )
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