professional category

Winter is coming and dragon eggs are hatching (Single)
I was thrilled when Executive Chef Corey Hepburn agreed to model for me. Some crazy awesome planning started. Conceptualizing, ordering costume, boots swords, fur and all!! Studio rented & lighting instructor to meet my lighting objectives!! What gear to use? I wanted the Nikon D850 but it was sold out everywhere!! The Thursday before the shoot a fellow photog sends me a link to Bedford who had a few, just to find out they were all sold out, again. I emailed Steve, He goes above and beyond and connects me with his friend Mark Comon on Thursday night, Friday I had the camera and the 24mm-70mm f/2.8 lens to match, and next day is the shoot. At studio in full costume, Chef Corey looking fabulously Vikingish and the lighting perfection, we were all transported to another time, another place!! And then to top it all I got a shot of the Super Blue Blood Moon to add to the "dragon egg" to make it look like it just came out of the fire. It represents the earth and its struggles with catastrophic weather related disasters and droughts. The fox fur a tearful symbol of all those being hunted.
Published works in Gallery of Refined Art Gallery
Published works on several occasions in "Living the Photo Artistic Life" magazine.
Work showcased on Photoshop Artistry Facebook page.
Published works on several occasions in "Living the Photo Artistic Life" magazine.
Work showcased on Photoshop Artistry Facebook page.
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