professional category
Untitled (Series)
I have long been drawn to the otherworldly quality of Australian light. The sidewalk transforms into an uncanny stage where characters momentarily emerge and disappear under its radiance. Striking the cities windows and walls, its cast both blinds and bathes the curb below. Directed only by chance and unfolding for a fleeting moment, I have waited for these anonymous protagonists to step into the spotlight during these flashes of luminous intensity. With the rest of the city lost in shadow, each character wanders into the unknown.
Joe Ruckli is a documentary storyteller graduating with 1st Class Honours from the Photography Program at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University. He teaches sessionally and is currently completing his PhD. Ruckli's research explores the lived experience and affective dimension of the medical encounter through documentary storytelling. Ruckli is the former Editor of the Australian Photojournalist publication; an annual non-profit social advocacy anthology which seeks to give voice to stories routinely overlooked that need to be told. He regularly shoots freelance for commercial clients and street photography.
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