amateur category

Chicago Building #51 (Single)
Chicago building in the abstract
Art, beauty and creativity have always been a significant part of Gary Horsfall’s life and in that, have played themselves out in many ways. In the past he’s addressed these critical elements through photography and fine woodworking. Today, he’s come full circle he’s recommitting himself to photography. This primarily takes the form of black and white images which he finds to be timeless in their simplicity, true to their subject and both satisfying and challenging to produce.
Through his work Gary seeks to capture the world surrounding him. And, it's a big world and his sight and vision are not subject to exclusive preferences. As we've all experienced beauty comes in many forms. We each have our own preferences and not all things of beauty are beautiful in a pleasant way. Gary’s goal is to capture images he finds in his world and present them so the viewer can draw their own conclusions with respect to whether and how they speaks to them.
Through his work Gary seeks to capture the world surrounding him. And, it's a big world and his sight and vision are not subject to exclusive preferences. As we've all experienced beauty comes in many forms. We each have our own preferences and not all things of beauty are beautiful in a pleasant way. Gary’s goal is to capture images he finds in his world and present them so the viewer can draw their own conclusions with respect to whether and how they speaks to them.
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