Photography is not her profession but her passion.
Hamburg-based photographer Silke Tüxen creates her own reality through artistically composed macro and architecture photographs.
Tüxen has shown her work in numerous exhibitions, photobooks, magazines and has received honors in many photo contests around the world.
2018 Monochrome Photography Award with five honorable mentions in the
category Architecture with my images “Architectural Style”
2018 EPSON pano Awards Bronze and Silver in the categories Built
Environment/Architecture with my images “Historical building,
Berlin” and “Watercastle, Hamburg”
2018 International Photography Awards / IPA 2018
honorable mention in the category Architecture-
Interiors with my image “New Register House-Dome of family
history, Edinburgh”
2018 mifa Moscow International Photography Awards
Bronze in the categories Fine Art-Still Life and
2018 FAPA Fine Art Photography Awards nominee´s in the categories
Architecture and Open Theme with my images "Look up" and "All of
2018 tifa Tokyo International Foto Awards
honorable mention in the category
Fine Art-Still Life with my image "Dreamcatcher
2017- 12.01.2018 Exhibition "Drei Perspektiven der Fine Art Fotografie"
Grundbuchhalle des Ziviljustizgebäudes, Hamburg
2017 ND Awards Neutral Density Photography Awards honorable mention in the
category "open theme" with my series "little dancers"
2017 International Photography Awards / IPA
amateur category

Squero di San Trovaso, Venice (Single)
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