amateur category

Overflow (Single)
Self portrait, 2018.
I am a female photographer born in Belgium, 1984.
Awards/ Honourable mentions:
International Color Photography Contest Chromatic Awards, 2018, second prize
International Black and White Photography Contest Monochrome Photography Awards, 2018, honorable mention
International Color Photography Contest Chromatic Awards, 2017, honoroble mention
International Photographer of the Year Award, 2017, honoroble mention
Canon Grand Prix Benelux, 2016, winner
Awards/ Honourable mentions:
International Color Photography Contest Chromatic Awards, 2018, second prize
International Black and White Photography Contest Monochrome Photography Awards, 2018, honorable mention
International Color Photography Contest Chromatic Awards, 2017, honoroble mention
International Photographer of the Year Award, 2017, honoroble mention
Canon Grand Prix Benelux, 2016, winner
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