BEAUTY IS JUST OUT THERE. To capture this creek, I had to cross waste-deep snow fields at -15 Celcius. What I love about the whole motif, is the unique pyramid-like shape of that mountain in the background. Whenever I turn back to this place, it feels like being in some yet undiscovered region of the planet. However, it's not a remote region, it is just a 30 min ride from home... honestly, I don't remember others having ever captured that place before... maybe because no one ever noticed... maybe because everyone is in a hurry nowadays... you don't have to travel far, you just have to watch, to watch what surrounds you, because BEAUTY IS JUST OUT THERE.
Location: Sellrain, Tirol, Austria.
Year: Jan, 2018
Gear: Nikon d5300, Sigma 10-20mm f3.5
amateur category

Tear drop (Single)
42 yr old, born in Northern Italy and living in Tyrol, Austria.
I'm an amateur photographer who started very recently with this beautiful tool to capture light and beauty.
For living, I work as medical doctor, doing hard night shifts at the ER and the intensive care; photography has helped me to free my mind after such a night shift, to settle again ... sometimes I dream of becoming a professional landscape photographer ... who knows ...
Accomplishments: 2x nominee at FAPA awards
I'm an amateur photographer who started very recently with this beautiful tool to capture light and beauty.
For living, I work as medical doctor, doing hard night shifts at the ER and the intensive care; photography has helped me to free my mind after such a night shift, to settle again ... sometimes I dream of becoming a professional landscape photographer ... who knows ...
Accomplishments: 2x nominee at FAPA awards
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