amateur category

Ancient Bristlecone Pine (Single)
One of the oldest living things on earth, the Ancient Bristlecone Pine tree, even in afterlife, continues to amaze an astound the mind as these trees withstand harsh conditions above 10,000 feet in the White Mountains of California.
I dedicated 24 years to protecting public lands and resources as a law enforcement officer for the Bureau of Land Management. My objective now, as primarily a self-taught photographer, is to assist private, public and governmental organizations and agencies, employed in or charged with preserving and protecting our natural, cultural and historic resources, achieve their respective goals by fostering public awareness through the imagery of my photography and advocate for the continued conservation and protection of these National treasures held in public trust for the benefit of all.
Photography Website: W Martin Photography
First Place Black and White Image - Center for Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado
Freelance Photographer for Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Artist-in-Residence, Fort Union National Monument, November 2015
Show: Fort Union photos accompanied Frahm’s Symphony #1, The Old Abandoned Fort
Published: Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance Calendar, 2016
Show, Land of Enchantment, Visions of Old New Mexico, Liquid Outpost Coffeehouse & Art Space, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 2015
Show:In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, Public Lands Information Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 2014
Published images in New Mexico Magazine and Weatherwise Magazine
Photography Website: W Martin Photography
First Place Black and White Image - Center for Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado
Freelance Photographer for Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Artist-in-Residence, Fort Union National Monument, November 2015
Show: Fort Union photos accompanied Frahm’s Symphony #1, The Old Abandoned Fort
Published: Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance Calendar, 2016
Show, Land of Enchantment, Visions of Old New Mexico, Liquid Outpost Coffeehouse & Art Space, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 2015
Show:In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, Public Lands Information Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 2014
Published images in New Mexico Magazine and Weatherwise Magazine
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