amateur category

2019 Lunar Eclipse (Single)
Well...that's probably the coldest night during which I have ever taken outdoor photos. My hands were numb and my telescope equipment groaned as I was trying to frame the moon. I didn't know what to expect. But's the image I was able to get at 11:11 pm CST on 1/20/19. See how the stars come out around the full moon and how red the moon becomes? The coyotes went crazy when the moon faded from view. You should have heard
I'm an amateur photographer specializing in the night sky. I have received some awards for my photography and have been featured in magazines and my work has also appeared in astronomy books. My photography was placed on hold for many years due to my career. However, at the end of 2017, I resumed my imaging of the night sky and I'm trying to make up for lost time. It takes a lot of time and effort to take the photos and then to take this data and post process it. But it's a labor of love.
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