With an advance of technology, people can always be connected with their family, friends, and society wherever they are. However, it does not seem to relieve their loneliness. Moreover, they internalize these connections as simulacres and their individuality fades away without notice, leaving one question; who am I. The blank slate, but this is where I start from scratch.
Individuality has been considered as the equivalence of one’s existence so far. But in truth, it only gives a dim sense of existence, instead of solid confidence. Due to a dim sense of existence, human beings try to introspect within themselves to reach their existence. Yet, via inherent simulacres, known as an intellect, it ends up in hovering around their existence. This imperfection of intellect makes human beings impotent and ashamed. Furthermore, it incurs a primitive melancholy.
Even it seems impossible to get rid of, there is one thing human beings can do to stand against this primitive melancholy; they shall face the world as it is, not through their inherent simulacres, but all by themselves. There would be a void, or terror, or even nausea. Nevertheless, facing the world as it is, that is human, all too human bravery.
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