Mars hiding, Andromeda high and Antares long gone. It’s not usual to observe in a photo of Milky Way this. Although people look for it between end of March and beginning of August, our galaxy is visible in sky much longer, and not because it’s less known it’s less spectacular.
It´s a place where visibility of night sky is excellent, Somiedo Natural Park. Such is quality of sky of this area that in RAW itself, without applying any adjustment, many colors already appear in the Way.
However that day it seemed that luck did not accompany, a dense fog fell with the last rays of the sun. But hope is last thing that is lost and after a short wait, as if it were a miracle, the fog was dissipated.
The Milky Way is already at zenith, and when I reach altitude to have perspective, lake is far below my feet; so I have to make a 3-row panorama in order to capture entire landscape.
It seems impossible to make a composition without including small house on my right. To not de-centering galactic arch forces me to capture 320º.
Finally a panorama of 23 photographs.
amateur category

Lake house (Single)
Passionate about photography and astronomy since I can remember. By twist of life it was not until 2010, when my wife gave me my first digital reflex, when I really started to spend time with those passions. With 36 years, but better late than never. Perhaps the birth of my son, that year, was that made me enjoy my hobby when there was time, at night. I soon discovered that night photography was on the one hand a great challenge (capture light when barely there) and extremely technical, and I can´t deny it, I´m passionate about technology. During these humble beginnings had a clear lack both artistic, and post processing knowledge . By self-learning and hard work, I was slowly trying to solve. Now with more resources at my disposal, and with more knowledge of this world, I don't doubt to attend masterclass, workshops or courses of other photographers whose work I admire, envy or just cause me inquietude. It is not until last year when I finally get a clear and quality workflow that gives me the expected results in my style of photography. And when I get my own identity. That is when there is a radical change
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