amateur category

Dancing in the moonlight (Single)
This is about a little girl’s fantasy. When we are young, the world outside is big while the world to us is small. Even going to a place a few blocks away is an adventure, yet we enjoy the little tiny world around. A small thing becomes big and time flows slowly. We are inquisitive and ingenious, with full of imagination. I wish things could stay the same, and we could stay the same, when the world becomes big.
Suxing Zhang is a Chinese fine-art photographer currently living in Australia. His works focus on fine-art and conceptual portraits which can be described as impressionistic realism. He sees photographs as impressions that involve not only sheer beauty but also a wide range of emotions, and facial expressions and postures as the best mediums to deal with complex concepts. His photographs often involve visual metaphors and metonymies to tell stories and express emotions. Experience with painting as well as charcoal sketching has attributed greatly in his use of lighting, composition, colour, texture, and translates to the overall harmony of his visual layouts.
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