“En la memoria colectiva de los edificios de nuestras ciudades, se refleja la
fisonomía de cada lugar. A modo de espejo, como si se tratara de un disco
duro lleno de imágenes que se producen en cada cristal, de cada edificio,
de cada calle. Instantes que se suceden a lo largo del día, a lo largo de la
vida de cada ciudad.”
Aquí se reflejan y transfieren algunos momentos de ese recuerdo, algunos
instantes capturados que componen y recomponen esa otra realidad.
Mostrándonos retazos arquitectónicos, reflejos de su identidad, que se
transforman, se unen y convergen, acercándonos a esa otra memoria,
latente y siempre viva. Como una pantalla que trasmite en una sola imagen
una sucesión de recuerdos, reflejados en cada edificio, en cada calle de
cada ciudad.
(Localizaciones en Londres y New York)
amateur category

(untitled) (Single)
Linked to the arts from an early age, Chamizo studied in several schools of photography between 1977 and 1980. And it was in 1980 when he inaugurated his first exhibition.
Jesus Chamizo has found new forms of expression, space and a different dimension through his research in different photographic areas as well as in the combination of concept, technology and creativity.
Chamizo has been awarded numerous national and international prizes such as Sun, Cannes, Lux, FIAP, Epica, N. York Festival.
The most recent awards are 6 prizes in the “INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2018” In the “Architecture” and “Fine Arts” categories, with “Glass Memories” and “Geometrical” series.
My concern is to reflect the footprint that humans leave in their environment, and how that environment influences him in the perception of what apparently present but while transporting us to a moment that may be part of the immediate past or nearest future.
Spaces man builds, lives, which is integrated as influence each other are the three basic pillars that my photography is centered.
In architecture, always present in human history and has just become his hallmark.
In the landscape, space required and influential in the history of man, but man cares
Jesus Chamizo has found new forms of expression, space and a different dimension through his research in different photographic areas as well as in the combination of concept, technology and creativity.
Chamizo has been awarded numerous national and international prizes such as Sun, Cannes, Lux, FIAP, Epica, N. York Festival.
The most recent awards are 6 prizes in the “INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2018” In the “Architecture” and “Fine Arts” categories, with “Glass Memories” and “Geometrical” series.
My concern is to reflect the footprint that humans leave in their environment, and how that environment influences him in the perception of what apparently present but while transporting us to a moment that may be part of the immediate past or nearest future.
Spaces man builds, lives, which is integrated as influence each other are the three basic pillars that my photography is centered.
In architecture, always present in human history and has just become his hallmark.
In the landscape, space required and influential in the history of man, but man cares
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